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Law Office Haeon이메일무단수집거부

Making a difference by leading clients and practices forward

Representative number +82 2-2038-7860


The email addresses posted on this website are prohibited from being collected without permission by using email collection programs or other technical devices. Violating this will result in criminal penalties under the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc. 

< Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc. >

Article 50-2 (Prohibition of Unauthorized Collection of Email Addresses, etc.)

1. No one shall use programs or other technical devices to collect email addresses automatically from internet homepages without prior consent of the operators or managers of the internet homepages.  

2. No one shall sell or distribute email addresses collected in violation of paragraph 1.

3. No one shall use email addresses prohibited from being collected, sold or distributed under paragraphs 1 and 2 for the purpose of transmitting information, while being aware that they are such prohibited email addresses.

Article 74 (Penalty) Any person who falls under any of the following subparagraphs shall be punished by a fine not exceeding 10 million Won:

1. A person who violates Article 8 (4) by displaying, selling or exhibiting for sale;

2. A person who distributes, sells, rents or publicly displays obscene codes, characters, sounds, pictures or images in violation of Article 44-7 (1) 1;  

3. A person who repeatedly sends codes, characters, sounds, pictures or images causing anxiety or unrest to the other party in violation of Article 44-7 (1) 3;

4. A person who takes technical measures in violation of Article 50 (6);

5. A person who collects, sells, distributes or uses email addresses for information transmission in violation of Article 50-2;

6. A person who transmits advertising information in violation of Article 50-8;

7. A person who fails to report changes in registration items or transfer/acquisition of business or merger/inheritance in violation of Article 53 (4).