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Adultery | CaseAdultery Defendent Case

In a notable civil case in Seoul District Court, a plaintiff filed a lawsuit against her husband’s alleged lover, seeking consolation money of 50 million Korean won (around $38,000 USD) for the emotional distress caused by the extramarital affair. The defendant engaged the services of attorney Boram Kim to represent her in the litigation.

From the outset, the claimed damages appeared excessively high for such cases. However, Attorney Kim carefully studied the details and built a strong defense strategy. She gathered evidence to challenge the degree of emotional harm claimed by the plaintiff. 

During court proceedings, Kim delivered a composed yet impactful argument. She methodically dismantled the plaintiff's assertions point-by-point, relying on precedents and provisions in the law. Her calm demeanor and grasp of the nuances made a positive impression on the judges.

After considering the arguments from both sides, the court arrived at a decision to significantly reduce the awarded consolation money amount. Out of the plaintiff's claim of 50 million won, the judges accepted only 25% as valid, setting the final awarded damages at 13 million won (around $10,000 USD).

While a non-trivial sum, this represented a substantial 75% reduction from the original claim amount. Attorney Boram Kim's competent defense made a considerable impact in limiting her client's financial liability in this high-stakes case.

The outcome demonstrated Kim's adept litigation skills and mastery over complex matrimonial legal matters. Her composed yet assertive courtroom presence, coupled with a judicious approach, managed to extract a relatively favorable result for her client against seemingly improbable odds.

The reasoned judgment showed that the court carefully examined the arguments and evidence presented by both parties before arriving at a quantified and balanced decision on the damages amount, rather than simply accepting or rejecting the claimed figure in its entirety. 

For the defendant, this marked an arduous personal legal battle finally heading towards resolution, even if not an absolute vindication. Attorney Kim's endeavors showed that with the right counsel, subject matter expertise, and pragmatic approach, achieving a plausible outcome remains possible even in tricky matrimonial cases involving hefty claimed damages.

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